Query methods using greater than, less than, greater than or equal to and less than or equal to in pymongo

From , 5 Years ago, written in Python, viewed 213 times.
URL https://pastebin.vip/view/853bb47a
  1. from bson.objectid import ObjectId
  2. import pymongo
  4. #查询代码
  5. #连接本机mongodb
  6. conn=pymongo.Connection()
  7. #指定数据库
  8. db = conn.books
  9. #指定collection
  10. collection = db.book
  11. #大于
  12. collection.find({'_id':{'$gt':ObjectId('51f6126139ecbb1db4a75667')}})
  13. #大于等于
  14. collection.find({'_id':{'$gte':ObjectId('51f6126139ecbb1db4a75667')}})
  15. #小于
  16. collection.find({'_id':{'$lt':ObjectId('51f6126139ecbb1db4a75667')}})
  17. #小于等于
  18. collection.find({'_id':{'$lte':ObjectId('51f6126139ecbb1db4a75667')}})
  19. #//python/8231

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