Alternate display of interlaced colors with listview of Delphi

From , 3 Years ago, written in Delphi (Object Pascal), viewed 121 times.
  1. procedure TForm1.ListView1CustomDrawItem(
  2. Sender: TCustomListView; Item: TListItem; State: TCustomDrawState;
  3. var DefaultDraw: Boolean);
  4. var
  5. i: integer;
  6. begin
  7. i:= (Sender as TListView).Items.IndexOf(Item);
  8. if odd(i) then sender.Canvas.Brush.Color:= $02E0F0D7
  9. else sender.Canvas.Brush.Color:= $02F0EED7;
  10. Sender.Canvas.FillRect(Item.DisplayRect(drIcon));
  11. end;
  12. //delphi/2479

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